Article for Round Up July 2013

Hi everybody welcome to the club news.

Our 18th birthday dance was held on 11 May and what a smashing time we had. Just referring to the equipment malfunction which saw a supper table collapse just before supper. Fortunately not too much food was lost but sorry for any plates that were lost we are arranging a replacement. We were pleased with the attendance, thank you to all the dancers who attended. Thank you also to John Casey and Ian Rutter for calling and Anne Tulloch for cueing. We were ably supported by members of our committee and thank you to Peter Stavast (setting up), Eddie & Rosalie Lee (raffle & door) Greg Megow (decorations).

We have a number of dancers who are on the sick list at the moment. Virginia and Marilyn, so we wish them all the best for a speedy recovery.

Thank you in advance to John Casey for calling on 2 July whilst Les attended an Onkaparinga Council meeting.

Also don’t forget we are dancing on 23 July 2013 despite the calendar (see advertisement June Round Up). This is due to the Noarlunga Theatre Company changing their program of productions, not that we mind as it means we get an extra night of dancing.

Our beginners are doing very well, and what a surprise to learn that one of our beginners Malcolm Doyle is an accomplished Country & Western singer songwriter who has performed at Tamworth.

Sunset Twirlers 18th Birthday
L to R: Anne Tulloch, Dianne, Peter Stavast, Les Tulloch

Last updated 4th February 2025