Article for Round Up September 2014

Hi everybody welcome to the club news.

In July we had our Bastille Day (French Night) and what a fantastic night. It was our best attendance for a long time. A very big thank you to Jacqueline who provided a supper that was to die for. French Bread Sticks with dips, Croissants, Escargot (Snails), French onion soup, mousse, meatballs in pastry + more. Thank you for all who dressed up (see photo) and to Greg Megow for the decorations including the guillotine. Peter Stavast offered to take photos of people with their head in the guillotine but was not too popular.

September is our charity dance night. This year we have decided to donate to Alzeimers Australia SA. So we would like to see as many dancers there as possible (see advertisement for details).

Congratulations to Anne and Les who have recently been appointed as chair couple for the Roundalab Phase 1 & 2 Standards Committee. Roundalab is an international association who governs round dancing so is a very prestigious appointment and also helps place Australia on the map with a voice on international round dance standards.

Our learners are making very good progress having started into some mainstream movements.

Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

Last updated 4th February 2025