Article for Round Up April 2013

Hi everybody welcome to the club news.

Firstly thank you to Heather, Jan, Don, Anne, Graham, Les and of course Brian Hotchkies for our 60/40 celebration weekend. Lots of great dancing. Just as well there was a public holiday it took a day to recover.

In February we held our valentines dance which was also shrove Tuesday. So to celebrate we had some yummy pancakes and thank you to Eddie and Rosalie for organising that. To all those who dressed in red thank you. Of course there was no shortage of love songs for Les to perform, “Love was all around’ but found we Don’t know a thing about Love’ however ‘Love was in the air’ everywhere we looked around, we found the peaceful easy feeling in ‘A Love Song’ only to get ‘Lost in Love’ but in the end were only ‘In it for the Love’.

Lots of planning currently underway by the committee, this month we have our All things Irish night and commencement of our learners class. We are dancing on the 19 March but will be closed for a couple of weeks whilst Les & Anne and several club dancers go to Gosford for the National Convention. The other good thing about the national convention is we will be represented by a dressed set. Thank you to Anne & Les Tulloch, Eddie & Rosalie Lee, Brian & Judy Visser, Peter Stavast and Dianne. Malcolm & Virginia were to be in the set however Malcolm had a fall and broke his shoulder, we wish him a speedy recovery. 

Last updated 4th February 2025