Article for Round Up August 2017

At the time of writing we think back to such a wonderful couple of weeks of dancing.

On July 1 Les & Anne hosted a dance at Little Hampton for the Adelaide Hills Women’s Network to raise money for Aussie Farmers affected by the drought. The hall was packed out with 6 sets dancing and just as many sitting out. Wine wall, silent auction and a raffle plus door takings raised over $2,500

July 4 was our American Night and certainly colourful with the red white & blue theme. Certainly no shortage of American theme songs for Les to call featuring states, cities, trains & prisons. Thank you to Eddie and Rosalie who organised the supper of Hot Dogs and Donuts.

Thank you to the Square Dance Society for a wonderful evening of dancing at the combined SASDS/SACA dinner & dance on 8 July. We counted 3 sets of dancers from Sunset Twirlers including some of our new dancers who have just completed mainstream and about to graduate.

Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

Last updated 28th September 2024