Article for Round Up June 2013

Hi everybody welcome to the club news.

What a great time we all had in Gosford at the National Convention. It is good to see most back safely. Our dressed set outfits drew a lot of comment and thank you to all our dancers who danced in the set, you certainly did the club proud. Please see the picture.

Sunset Twirlers Dressed Set 54th National Convention Gosford 2013

L to R Les & Anne Tulloch, Brian & Judy Visser, Dianne, Peter Stavast, Rosalie & Eddie Lee

Also congratulations to Les for receiving the Silver Microphone award from the Australian Callers Federation whilst at the convention. The award is made in recognition of 25 years of club calling.

Australian Callers Federation Silver Microphone Award presentation to Les Tulloch, L to R Steve Turner (President), Anne & Les Tulloch, Nev McLachlan (Secretary), Gosford 2013 

A lot has happened during our 2 week recess. David Scobie has been in hospital and it was good to see him back dancing so quickly. Marilyn Simpson has also been in hospital and we wish her a speedy recovery and return to dancing.

Our first night back after the break was our Mothers Day dance and charity night. All proceeds including admission, raffle etc were donated to the Cancer Council to assist in breast cancer research. Thank you for all who attended on this night, and to the Port Noarlunga Arts Centre for waiving the hall costs for the night.

At the time of writing this news we are preparing for our 18th Birthday in fact the day after writing, so unable to comment. We are expecting a good attendance and will let you know in the next months news.

Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

Last updated 28th September 2024