Article for Round Up June 2017

Great to see all our dancers home safe from the National Convention.

Unfortunately Rosalie has not been able to dance since returning after cutting her leg on the trip home from Bendigo, however is making a recovery

We had a number of dancers attend JVC’s 3rd Birthday. Thank you to John & Jacqueline for a great and enjoyable afternoon of dancing.

On the 13th May we had our 22nd birthday at Marion RSL. It was an outstanding night with 6 sets dancing regularly all night. The meal at 6.30 was provided once again by Cheryl’s Kitchen and was absolutely delicious. We lost count of the numbers choosing to dine but at one stage was in excess of 40. We had six visiting Callers so thank you to John Casey, Jeff Seidel, Scotty Scott, Graham Elliott, Ian Rutter & Milton McKenzie for calling. Thank you to our dancers who helped set up, Eddie & Rosalie, Margaret D, Roy & Cheryl, Peter & Stella, Liz & Charlie for staying until last minute to help pack up, Diana Lawson for the pictures for decoration and we even had help from Murray Dempsey. Eddie & Rosalie also organised the raffle and pies & sausage rolls for supper. Gary & Sally Welsh cut the cake. It was a very pleasant surprise to have Alan & Chris travel all the way from Acey Squares Naracoorte and thank you also as all of our friends from the Paddle Steamer and JVC clubs 

Last updated 28th September 2024