Article for Round Up June 2023

Hi welcome to our club news and we trust everybody is enjoying their dancing. Sorry for missing last month.

Thank you all who attended our 28th Birthday Dance on May 13. This was the first time we have had an afternoon birthday dance and we were very pleased with the result. We had several couples round dancing, 3 sets dancing plus and 5 sets dancing mainstream (with others sitting out). Thank you to Graham, Ian & Ros for calling and Terry, Shirley & Anne for cueing and keeping us entertained. Thank you to Iain and Margraret D for helpingĀ set up.

Congratulations to Heather, Charlotte & Sue who completed their learners last week and graduated receiving their certificates, badges and society welcome package at the birthday (See picture below). It was unfortunate we lost Charisse, Geoff and Gordon within weeks of graduation, however all have indicated a return in the future.

Once again the meal was fantastic and the cake as well. We received quite a few comments on the cake which was made by Anthony and was gluten and sugar free so everyone could enjoy. Thanks go to Anthony who we all agree does an excellent job of keeping us fed.

Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

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Last updated 28th September 2024