Article for Round Up March 2012

Welcome to our club news.

We are pleased to see that the success enjoyed in 2011 has continued into 2012.

During the break we applied for incorporation and were successful. So now we can be referred to as Sunset Twirlers Dance Club Incorporated. So next step is to have our first AGM.

We are also pleased to announce that Peter Stavast has agreed to be our Club Representative on the SASDS Committee. Thanks Peter for taking on this important role.

January was our traditional Australia Day Dance. Thank you to Eddie & Rosalie who organized the supper which was a variation of the good old pie floater, party pies in pea soup yummy!! Les did singing calls all night featuring Australian written or performed songs, we followed the “Highway   to Hell’, ‘Way out West’, where the rain don’t fall, we found a ‘Home Amongst the Gum Trees’ with   lots of plum trees, and whilst we were ‘Waltzing Mathilda’ under the shade of a coolibah tree, we were ‘Lost in Love’ because ‘Love was in the Air’ everywhere we looked around, we were so happy we could ‘Shout’ and hope that it would last ‘Forever Now’.

Looking forward now to starting our new learners class on 27th March which will be Tuesdays preceding the mainstream and to our 17th Birthday which is to be in May (not July).

Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

Last updated 4th February 2025