Article for Round Up May 2012

Welcome to our club news.

At the time of writing we have completed 3 nights of learners under the new format on Tuesday nights Learners 7 to 8pm, then 1 bracket of mainstream, 1 bracket for learners and the remainder of the night is mainstream. This format seems to be working well in that our mainstream & learners get to dance together. Response to the class has been great with 18 new dancers enrolled and still more to come I have heard.

We mentioned about Coast FM announcing our class through their community notice board segment. Well what was even better was Les being invited in to do a live 20 minute interview on Coast Talk with Ralph Goulet. Ralph was so enthusiastic and obliging by letting Les draft the questions and we also played some modern day square dance music.

Les was away in Melbourne for the Victorian State Convention and consequently was not able to call on our All things Irish night. Thank you to Milton for calling that night, from all reports attendance was good.

We had about a set of dancers (including Les) go to Mt Gambier for Allabout Squares 4th Birthday. We had a great time, plenty of dancing, plenty to eat Saturday night, and we won our fair share of raffle prizes. Definite theme of apples for prizes so guess what Malcolm will be making for supper instead of sausage rolls, anything with apples in it.

We would love for everybody to join us for our 17th Birthday.

Last updated 4th February 2025