Article for Round Up June 2014

Hi everybody welcome to the club news.

What a wonderful night of dancing to celebrate our 19th Birthday. The theme was pirates and it was good to see so many dressing up and getting involved in the theme. Heard so many comments about how much supper there was there certainly was no excuse if you went away hungry. There are of course a lot of people to thank so if we miss anyone our sincere apologies. Thank you to Graham Elliott, Jeff Seidel, John Casey & Ian Rutter for calling, to Anne Tulloch for cueing, Greg Megow for the decorations, Peter Stavast, Marilyn Simpson, Carl Mullan and Karen McCarthy for helping set up and sitting on the door. To Eddie & Rosalie Lee for putting together the raffle.

Thank you to John Casey for calling whilst Les & Anne attended the National Convention.

Speaking of the National Convention several of our dancers attended what was a great convention. Also a great result for the 2015 National Convention Committee with the number of registrations taken. We have a number of club dancers on this committee and we are proud to have contributed to the success so far.

Our beginners are doing very well. Although down slightly on numbers from previous classes it is always good to see new dancers coming into the activity. Some of them attended the birthday as well.

Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

Sunset Twirlers 19th Birthday - Cutting the Cake
L to R - Karen, Carl, Anne, Les

Sunset Twirlers 19th Birthday
Some of the pirates who attended

Last updated 28th September 2024