Article for Round Up November 2019

Our learners class is continuing to grow now with eleven dancers . The numbers are still as equal as they can be with five men and six ladies, a very welcome boost to dancer numbers on Tuesday nights

Mainstream numbers still remain slightly lower than normal. Phyl has returned from her cruise around Japan but rough weather caused some unexpected destinations. Anne and Les travelled to Melbourne to attend the Victorian Round Dance Festival along with Harvey & Diana. Gary & Sally returned briefly after their holiday in Europe and are off again for another couple of weeks. Eddie & Rosalie travelled down to Mt Gambier only to have trouble with the caravan which resulted in the caravan having to be left down there for the axle to be replaced. Anne has not been well and has missed several nights dancing, lets hope for a speedy recovery

Some of us travelled to Victor Harbor to help Paddlesteamer Squares celebrate their 11th Birthday. What a glorious day in paradise. Congratulations and thank you to Paddlesteamers for a great afternoon of dancing.

Our AGM will be held this month and we welcome dancers who would like to stand for committee and help Anne & Les in managing the club. Thank you to Ingrid and Rose for standing as candidates to the SASDS Committee elections . 

Happy Dancing from Anne & Les

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Last updated 4th February 2025